Pledge of Professional Conduct

As a professional, I acknowledge and agree to honor my ethical obligations to my colleagues, shareholders, and the Mobile Estates Family. I promise to comply with the Directors’ Code of Conduct, to treat everyone fairly and with dignity. I promise to go beyond the letter of our policies and the law and conform to the spirit and intent as well. I promise to take personal responsibility for my actions. Furthermore, I promise not to take credit for the work of others but rather to give credit wherein is due and honor the contributions of others.

I also promise to –

  • Conduct myself in a manner that reflects positively on the Board, my colleagues, on the MEHOA and myself.
  • Speak the truth and never with the intent to deceive or mislead by way of technicality or omission.
  • Ensure my projects reports are accurate and honest and include all necessary research.
  • Refrain from behavior that harms the shareholders’ perception of the board.
  • Honor all agreements I make with colleagues and shareholders.
  • Ensure that confidential and proprietary information of the Board is kept confidential and proprietary.
  • Avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest and, if in doubt, to openly disclose and discuss my concerns.
  • Take personal responsibility for my actions – for success and failure.
  • Take personal responsibility for recognizing and reporting breaches of the Code.
  • Discharge my responsibilities with a dedication to achieving the MEHOA Mission and in line with the MEHOA guiding principles.
  • Serve all constituents of the MEHOA impartially, and provide no special privilege to an individual constituent or group.
  • Refuse special personal compensation from any constituent (beyond the limitations established by principle or policy). Policy demands full disclosure and arm’s length dealings.
  • Comply with all levels of Sarasota County, State, and Federal regulations and MEHOA policy concerning lobbying and political activities. Using only legal, ethical and moral means when attempting to influence legislation or regulations affecting MEHOA or the mobile home park industry.
  • Be transparent. Disclose information that belongs in the shareholder domain freely and completely while protecting any confidential information (generally related to personnel and shareholder personal information relating to character and competence of people within the association or shareholders [including sponsors]). Compensation information relating to the Leadership Team is meant to be in the public domain.
  • Issue no false or deliberately misleading statements or advertisements concerning the MEHOA or the MEHOA Board, to any industry visitor, the media, the public or any other persons, either affiliated with or unrelated to Mobile Estates.
  • Encourage diversity of thought and background through the inclusion of qualified people from diverse backgrounds including ethnic or racial minorities and women.
  • Refuse to engage in and or sanction discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, physical appearance, or disability.
  • Refuse to engage in and or sanction activities for personal gain at the expense of the Board or the MEHOA.
  • Strive to build collaborative relationships with other co-op board professionals and others for the advancement and improvement of Mobile Estates.
  • Enter into discussion of controversial issues with good faith and constructive argument in an effort to make carefully considered decisions.
  • Understand the imperative of loyalty to the mission and principles of the organization, and not to a single person, idea, or constituent.
  • Support the decisions made by the Board even when they involve compromise. Assuming principles are not compromised and the authority to make the decision is assured, once made, decisions are final and support by all members of the MEHOA Board.
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